Yoga, Pilates, and Mindfulness | Mobile Wellbeing Classes | Australia
Ever had one of those days when you feel like you’re hitting your head against a brick wall, you’ve had back-to-meetings, your to-do list just keeps on growing, and then you’ve got life, your partner, the kids, pets and grandparents to organise as well?! The modern workplace is full of stressful situations. There is no better prescription, (apart from a holiday to the Bahamas), than including yoga in your day to help keep stress levels to a minimum.
Yoga tackles the two areas which are most affected by workplace stress, (or any other stress in fact), which are your body and mind.
What were the main benefits of the wellbeing program for your staff?
Our wellbeing programs are a fun and creative way to improve physical and mental wellbeing.
Enhances physical strength, fitness, and flexibility, improving overall wellbeing.