Yoga, Pilates, and Mindfulness | Mobile Wellbeing Classes | Australia

Wellbeing brought to you by Australia's favourite mobile team.



School Wellbeing

Our fun and engaging incursions are designed to promote health and wellbeing in Primary and Secondary schools.

Our school incursion program hits the nail on the head when it comes to meeting wellbeing and movement curriculum outcomes. Our Primary and Secondary school yoga, pilates, and mindfulness incursions are a fun and creative way to improve students’ physical and mental wellbeing. Our school incursions focus on a combination of strength and flexibility, relaxation, and most of all – fun! Our students instantly experience the benefits and can take these skills into their daily lives.


  • Provides skills for students to use in everyday life
  • Promotes self-esteem and positive self-image
  • Improves individual and social awareness
  • Calms and settles the mind
  • Enhances physical strength, fitness, and flexibility

School Wellbeing Programs

  • Everything You Need To Know About A Yogamigos School Yoga Incursion

    Movement and physical activity are essential parts of the Australian Curriculum, and students of all ages are expected to learn how to move and understand movement. The Yogamigos team, with over 50 mobile teachers, is passionate about helping Aussie kids access exercises that build strength, flexibility, and relaxation while encouraging kids to have fun. That’s why we developed our school yoga incursion program, which promotes exercise, positivity, and mindfulness to students of all ages. We’ve outlined everything you need to know about our yoga curriculum for schools right here.

  • The Positive Impacts Of Mindfulness In Schools

    The benefits of mindfulness have never been celebrated more than in recent years, with more people embracing practices such as regular meditation, colouring in, and walking through nature. While adults might love the positive effects mindfulness has on their health and wellbeing, we can’t forget to teach our younger ones exercises and techniques they can use throughout their lifetimes. At Yogamigos, with our team of over 350 mobile teachers, we run programs to bring mindfulness to schools so kids of all ages can learn a range of techniques they can use every day.

  • Why Schools Should Include Pilates In Their School Exercise Programs

    When you think of physical education in schools, you probably conjure up images of competitive sports like volleyball, netball, and football. But what if we told you that there was an exercise that meets a range of curriculum requirements across all year levels and teaches students mindfulness simultaneously? Pilates improves flexibility, balance, and muscle strength while simultaneously bringing the mind into the present moment to coordinate with the body. Yogamigos have over 350 mobile pilates instructors who can come to your campus to run school exercise programs with your students. We’ve seen the benefits of these pilates programs first-hand, so we’re here to share them with you.

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