Yoga, Pilates, and Mindfulness | Mobile Wellbeing Classes | Australia

Wellbeing brought to you by Australia's favourite mobile team.

School Pilates Programs

Why Schools Should Include Pilates In Their School Exercise Programs

When you think of physical education in schools, you probably conjure up images of competitive sports like volleyball, netball, and football. But what if we told you that there was an exercise that meets a range of curriculum requirements across all year levels and teaches students mindfulness simultaneously? Pilates improves flexibility, balance, and muscle strength while simultaneously bringing the mind into the present moment to coordinate with the body. Yogamigos have over 350 mobile pilates instructors who can come to your campus to run school exercise programs with your students. We’ve seen the benefits of these pilates programs first-hand, so we’re here to share them with you.

How Can Students Benefit From Pilates?

Whether you’re teaching children in Early Education Centres, kids in primary schools or older teens in high schools, Yogamigos pilates school exercise programs have a range of health and wellbeing benefits.

  • Muscular strength. Pilates is an excellent way of building physical strength, particularly core strength. The various movements, techniques, and exercises will teach students how to exercise different muscle groups and build on their own strength and fitness.
  • Flexibility. Pilates involves plenty of stretching, so students will have an opportunity to improve their flexibility during their sessions.
  • Balance. This is a fantastic skill for kids to practice, particularly for younger primary school students.
  • Decreases stress and anxiety. Students can use the breathing techniques they learn during their Yogamigos school exercise programs to alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety when they arise, helping students self-soothe and regulate their emotions.
  • Mindfulness. Pilates encourages students to clear their minds and focus on their bodies. They are asked to practice their breathing as they do various exercises, which centre the mind and allow students to live in the present moment.
  • Improved posture. Students are asked to sit at their desks for long periods in school, either looking at the teacher, their books, or a computer screen. This negatively affects posture, which can lead to recurring back problems in their later years. Pilates sessions focus on core strength and good posture, encouraging students to straighten their backs and realign their spines.

How To Organise Your Yogamigos Pilates Session

Organising a Yogamigos pilates session is so simple, and our instructors are mobile, so we’ll come to your school.

  • Arrange a time for a pilates session. Whether you’re planning to have your students do a one-off pilates class or you’d like your Yogamigos instructor to come back several times a week to incorporate pilates into the unit’s content, we’re more than happy to work around you.
  • Contact Yogamigos. Once you’ve figured out times that suit your students, contact us, and we’ll provide an experienced, professional pilates teacher to run the class. If we can’t get one of our 350 mobile instructors out to you, we can run the class in an online Zoom session.
  • Let us know if we need to tailor our session. At Yogamigos, we believe pilates should be accessible to everyone, so we provide tailored sessions to suit students with various abilities and disabilities. Let us know if any of your students have physical limitations, and we’ll incorporate exercises and techniques that allow them to participate with the rest of their class.
  • Let us know if you need mats. If your school doesn’t have mats available, let your Yogamigos instructor know, and we’ll bring equipment for you.
  • Set aside a space for the class. You’ll need to provide each student with around 2sqm of space, so they have room to move without knocking their neighbour. We can run the session in a classroom, in an auditorium or hall, or outdoors on the oval.

Preparing Your Students For A Pilates Class

Before their Yogamigos session, it’s a good idea to prepare the students for their lesson as best you can.

  • Tell them what pilates is. Try to give your students a quick overview of pilates. You could create an exercise asking students to fill out a worksheet with prompts such as ‘What is pilates?’, ‘What does pilates do to your body?’, and ‘Why do we do pilates?’.
  • Make sure they have the right attire. Most students will be fine to do pilates in their uniforms, but if your school has a preferred sports uniform, make sure they bring it in for that day. Alternatively, you could ask students to wear loose, comfortable clothing that they can move and stretch in. If there are any students with long hair, ask them to tie it back, so it doesn’t get in their way during the class.
  • Make sure they have water bottles. Pilates is quite an intense, high-energy exercise, so students will need to have water close by.

How Much Does School Pilates Cost?

Gifting your students with tailored pilates and wellbeing sessions is priceless! However, if you’re interested in the numbers, costs may vary depending on how many students attend the class, the duration of the sessions, and the number of sessions you wish to book. The more sessions you book, the cheaper the rate. Here is a rough pricing guide below:

INTRO SESSION – One 1-hour school session 
30 students: $297 plus GST
50 students: $349 plus GST
WELLBEING BUNDLE – Four 1-hour school sessions 
30 students: $859 plus GST
50 students: $1249 plus GST
ZEN BUNDLE – Six 1-hour school sessions 
30 students: $1279 plus GST
50 students: $1799 plus GST
Please note that depending on teacher availability and your location, travel fees may apply Participants are encouraged to bring their own mats or towels. If the room is carpeted, mats are not required. We may be able to provide mats at an additional cost, subject to availability.
If you are hosting a school wellbeing event and wish to include a wellbeing session for your students or staff, please contact us directly for a tailored quote.

If You’d Like To Learn More About Pilates School Exercise Programs, YOGAMIGOS Would Love To Work With You!

At Yogamigos, we believe that yoga, mindfulness, and pilates should be accessible to all Australians. That’s why we began our mobile yoga, pilates, and mindfulness business in 2012. Now, we’re proud to have a team of over 350 mobile instructors across the country. We have plenty of experience offering yoga, pilates, and mindfulness sessions to clients of all ages, from the little ones right through to our senior citizens. Because Yogamigos has mobile instructors, we can bring our classes to you. We can also provide our classes online. Whether you’re looking for lessons for little preppies, primary school students, or high school students, your wonderful Yogamigos instructor is ready to share their love of yoga, pilates, and mindfulness to help you get more out of your day. If you’re interested in our pilates school exercise programs, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!

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